How to Find Great Content Easily

How to Find Great Content Easily

How to Find Great Content Easily

If you’ve been looking for ways to market your business, you’ve undoubtedly been told you need to share great content. Creating it is one easy way to find it but who has the time to always be creating brand new content? You can still establish yourself as a helpful resource to existing and potential customers by sharing worthwhile content.
But where do you find it?

Google Alerts


You can spend every day googling keywords that are important to your audience or you can set up a Google alert. Type in a word or phrase and tell Google how often you want to receive the alert – as it happens, once a day, or once a week. Google delivers content right to you. Decide what’s worthwhile and what’s not and share accordingly. Mention will do the same thing for you but includes the social media sphere as well.
As an aside, and having nothing to do with content, at the bare minimum you should have a Google alert set to your company’s name and the owner’s/CEO’s name so you “hear” things as they happen. works a lot like Google alerts in that you tell it what to watch for, but instead of giving you an alert, it gives you the option of making a newspaper on your hot topics. Depending on your industry this can be an extremely helpful tool for your audience. Plus it looks like you put a whole lot more effort into it than simply clicking “include” on a few articles.

Use Your Twitter List


If you’re on Twitter take the time to create a public list of people you want to connect with. They could be customers you’re trying to land (or just people in your target market), current customers, and/or industry people. While you can add them to a private list, which they will never know about it, it’s much more flattering to create a well-named list such as “<Insert your city> Gurus” or “Smart People.” Most people enjoy knowing they are part of a list with an impressive name and Twitter will notify them when they’ve been added to a public list.
Once you have a list, check it daily and share the members’ content. This is another flattering move.

Look at Hashtags


Do a search under hashtags that make sense for your business and share great content from others. Just be careful not to share competitor’s content.

Remember What Your Audience Likes


Content shouldn’t always be articles and blog posts. Keep it varied. Share images, memes and video as it fits your goals. Think outside the obvious for content. For instance, if you own a grocery store. You can share “how-to prepare” videos on a food you have on special that week or educate your audience on things none of us know how to do like cut or peel a mango.
The best content is in the eyes of your audience. Think of the questions they ask you and find or create content that answers those questions. If you help them, they will continue to look to you for answers and that is not only good for your day-to-day business. It’s excellent for traffic to your website and organic rankings as well.
Christina R. Green teaches small businesses, chambers and associations how to connect through content. Her articles have appeared in the Midwest Society of Association Executives’ Magazine,, AssociationTech, and Socialfish. She is a regular blogger at and the Event Manager Blog.
She’s a bookish writer on a quest to bring great storytelling to organizations everywhere.

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